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Die Cast Automation | Automatic Ladles, Die Sprayers, Parts Extractors & Foundry Robots

Die Cast Machinery, LLC Buys, Sells, Appraises and Supplies automation used in the die casting and foundry industries including automatic ladlers; reciprocating die sprayers, linear die sprayers, parts extractors and six axis foundry robots. If you want to fully automate your die casting machine, we can make it happen!


Major manufacturers of Automation include:  Acheson, Advance Products, Chin Yen AutomationRimrock, Rimrock/DieKast, Buhler Automation, Colosio Automation, Frech AutomationGerlieva Spuhtechnik, Idra Automation, Italpresse Automation, LK Automation, Lama Automation, Prex Engineering, SPESIMA GmbH, Shamrock Automation, Snair, TecnoPresse, Toshiba Automation, Ube Automation and Wollin.