World Leader in Used Die Casting Machinery!
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Let Die Cast Machinery, LLC turn your Surplus Machinery into Cash
Consign your machinery today with Die Cast Machinery, LLC

Die Cast Machinery, LLC is the largest consignment dealer in the die casting world. We typically have over 100 consigned machines in our inventory.

What does it mean to "consign" a machine to Die Cast Machinery, LLC? When you consign a machine to us, we will manage the sale of your machine for your behalf. We will market the machine, answer questions buyers might have, make arrangements for buyers to inspect the machine. We will also make rigging and shipping arrangements. Consigned machines may be kept at your premises, stored in one of our warehouse or in a third party warehouse.

Why consign a machine? Let's face it, you are in the die casting business, not the machinery business. We have spent decades developing our machinery business. We bring to the table a state-of-the-art website, we leverage social media to promote our inventory, produce live video of machines and have a database of over 8,000 people working in die casting factories worldwide. Plus we have spent the last 30 years selling machines. If you want to receive maximum value for your surplus machines let us go to work for you.

What are the different ways I can consign a machine? A consigned machine could remain at your factory until it is sold. If the machine is a large machine this saves the cost of rigging and shipping the machine and puts more money in your pocket. In this case either we will come to your factory and photograph and video tape the machine or your staff can do this. We will need as much technical information as possible on the machine so that we can answer questions buyers might have. Machine drawings, schematics and manuals are very important.

What can I do to help the process? Buyers have come to expect detailed pictures, the more pictures and the better the technical information the easier the sales process will be. Take time to clean up around the machine, move clutter away from the area, wipe down the machine. If the machine is in production even better. Take two types of pictures, first take a set of overall pictures. I like to start at the shot end, I call this the 12 O'clock picture, I work my way around the machine taking pictures at 1 O'clock, 2 O'clock, etc. Take wide pictures, we can crop and edit the pictures if they show too much area, but if you don't capture part of the machine we can't add that missing information. Next take detailed pictures. If the machine is a die cast machine, take pictures of the operator control station (if this is a newer machine with a touch-screen display take pictures of several different screens showing the different settings and features of the machine). Take pictures of the inside and outside of the control panel, take a close up of the PLC showing the brand and model. Take pictures of the following features: die height motor, air safety ratchet, lubrication system, main motor and pumps, injection unit (both sides and the back), a close up of the shot control valve/system. Take pictures of the faces of the moving platen and stationary platen; moving platen skid-feet/machine ways. If possible take pictures of the ejection system. You can never have too many pictures. Send us the original high resolution pictures - don't edit or reduce the file size. We will give  you access to our Drop-Box account so that you don't have to worry about the limitations of email. Lastly, scan any general arrangement drawings of the machine, scan the pages out of the owner's manual that provides the technical specifications. If you prefer, you can send us all of the drawings and owner's manual and we will digitize all of the information. This allows us to email buyers then entire owner's manual in PDF format for their review.