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We Buy & Sell Used Induction Melting & Holding Furnaces Worldwide

Induction Melting & Holding Furnaces for Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Foundry Applications

We Buy, Sell and are a Supplier of used induction melting and holding furnaces for foundry and die casting applications worldwide including coreless induction furnaces, channel-type induction furnaces and vacuum induction furnaces. Major brands include Ajax, Inductotherm, Pillar, ABP Induction, ABB, Induction Technology, Otto Junker, UltraFlex, Electroheat, Amelt and Brown Boveri.


Major manufacturers of Induction Melting Furnaces include:  ABB Induction Furnaces, ABP Induction, Ajax Tocco Magnathermic, Amelt Induction, Brown Boveri Induction, Electroheat Induction, Induction Technology, Inductotherm, Otto Junker, Pillar Induction Furnaces and UltraFlex Induction.

Call - (847) 360-9170